
Possibility of Attaining the Truth
the problem here would be is it possible
to attain this truth? I would say, it
depends, because there are truths that are concerned about simple/ordinary
facts of life and questions of truths that are concerned with more complicated
issues. But I am of the opinion that it is a possibility and this effort or a journey is worth undertaking. I
would say that it would be a meaningful journey. From the point of view of
Phenomenology the very fact that we are able to say that something is not
right, that something needs to be changed and something is not ok shows the
possibility of truth and objectivity.
However all these are only indications to truth. Whether we can attain them
objectively is a very difficult question to answer. If there was no truth we
would not be able even to assert- I am
standing here.
Consensus and its Relation to Truth
is a half way towards truth. Consensus taken on a positive light could be
considered as a path to truth; it is a temporary attainment of a certain sort
of truth. But it is certainly not a full truth. However I am tempted to say
that most people are satisfied with consensus or rather function with the help
of consensus.
[1] Here I would like to note that
the very fact that I feel there is no better way of defining truth than (truth is something that which is what it is.)
is an indication towards truth.
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