Sunday, May 10, 2020



          Humans believe that they are the crown of existence; one of the finest products of evolution. Ever since the human civilization picked up momentum we see development in every aspect of human living. With the passage of time, advancement of intelligence and with the progress in literacy we see a natural human tendency of criticizing the past and glorifying the present. Apparently this phenomena prompts us to think that with the passage of time humans are moving from good to better. But are we?
     When we see gruesome atrocities committed on fellow humans: Rape and murder becoming almost ‘every day news items,’ when we have not only capital but a ‘Rape Capital’ as well in a country. We have not one but many “Nirbhaya’s.” When we have innocent children killed in the battle fields of Syria, Iraq, Sudan etc., for no fault of theirs. We wonder what is wrong?
The number of innocent people who lose their lives on account of communal divide are increasing. More and more people seem to be interested in dividing societies based on social and communal lines for political mileage. Surely, all these signs indicate we have gone haywire sometime, somewhere. All these incidents also make us wonder where has humanity gone?

        Scientific discoveries, technological advancements, advancement in medicine, mass media; all of these and more have made life much more easy and comfortable for us humans. But in the craze for modernity, comfort and seeking for easy life are we missing out on something very essential? Are religious differences and ideological disagreements making us forget some basics? ARE WE FORGETTING THE FACT THAT WE ARE HUMANS?

      The problem with us today is we have money but no happiness, we have good houses but no proper sleep, we have lots of friends on the social media but no one to be by our side when we fall ill. We are too busy to lend a helping hand even to the family members. We have knowledge/information but lack wisdom.

        Being human or human qualities (love, concern, kindness etc.,) ensues naturally to humans. However since many are lost in their ‘functions’ and ‘ideas’/ideologies they are gradually become insensitive towards human emotions and ultimately becoming “functions”/ “mechanical” and not humans. For instance a soldier is expected to be rude, heartless and insensitive; a Teacher- strict, disciplined, demanding etc., but don’t you feel delighted to see a kind policeman, a loving teacher or a gentle judge? We all feel happy to see the smile of an air hostess, however fake it might be. We feel delighted when a table boy at a restaurant takes our orders with a smiling face and polite gestures. Generally, we love to visit places where people respect and show love towards us. This is because human qualities attract us.

       The fact is we love human qualities, we desire to be treated as human beings. However, the danger is to forget the essentials. Let’s forget not, that we are humans and be a good one.